Walnut Oil Benefits and Uses

Walnut oil is one of the healthiest of all edible oils

Cold-pressed walnut oil is sweet and earthy tasting. French chefs’ perennial love affair with it is due to its delicate yet sophisticated flavour. Natural medicine researchers have found that it offers protection against a wide spectrum of chronic diseases.1  Walnut oil is the gift of good health for everyone in the family from new-borns to grandparents.

Halt three types of cancer with walnut oil

There is overwhelming proof that walnut oil has the power to slow cancer growth. The bioactive ingredients inside this oil makes it harder for cancer cells to take hold, move, and clump.

  • Breast cancer 2
  • Esophageal cancer 3
  • Prostate cancer 4

Heart-Healthy Benefits of Walnut Oil

Walnut oil is one of the richest vegetarian sources of omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acid reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes, and the need for heart stents.5,6 Read our great ideas for drizzling delicious oil in your diet and help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Walnut Oil: A Key Player in Diabetes Management

It is essential for people with diabetes to look for ways to improve insulin sensitivity. Look no further.7  Make the switch from butter or ghee to cold-pressed Kaizer Walnut Oil and significantly reduce fasting blood sugar levels. Consume at least 15g daily for three months to see a reduction in insulin resistance.8  When you lower your blood sugar with walnut oil,9  you also protect the blood vessels, heart, and kidney.

Selenium in oil is essential for your thyroid.

Thyroid dysfunction affects quality of life when it leads to weight gain, depression, and sluggishness. Kaizer Walnut Oil contains high levels of the mineral selenium, proven to help maintain healthy thyroid function.10,11  Individuals at increased risk of selenium deficiency should add walnut oil to their diet to get a mineral supplement boost. Be proactive. Your thyroid has an important role in your metabolism and problems of the thyroid can lead to many other health issues.

Loaded with Antioxidant Compounds for Better Health

Your body can handle free radical damage produced during the course of a regular day. However, there are days when you will need help such as the days you go overboard on sugar and junk food. It counteracts excess free radicals. Without the help of antioxidants in the diet, such as walnut oil, free radical overload will break down cells in your body and skin. Add this  oil to your diet and skincare routine to neutralise free-radical buildup.11

Walnut oil for youthful skin

Preserve the ceramides that bind the skin together. It is rich in these fat molecules, which form a natural barrier between your skin and environmental stressors such as heat, ultra-violet rays, and pollution.12  When your level of ceramides drops with age, your face can droop and look hollow. Kaizer Walnut Oil has high levels of ceramides to improve the plump look of skin while it enhances
 elasticity and hydration.13  Apply a thin layer of walnut oil to your face before bed for an overnight anti-ageing remedy.

Preparing food with walnut oil

Intensify the flavour of dishes that use walnuts or discover the exotic taste oil adds on its own. Use for a perfect complement to mustard or pomegranate syrup in dressings. Deepen the flavour of curries or discover how much more a vegan dish has to offer with a drizzle of this oil.

Here are some ideas for enjoying walnut oil in meals you will come to love:

  • Dressings (for lentil, avocado, beet, or apple salads)
  • Dips (garlic and red peppers)
  • Sautéed vegetables (string beans, carrots, cauliflower, etc.)
  • Chicken
  • Seafood finish for pan cooked salmon or shrimp
  • Pasta (layer with sprinkled walnuts or a walnut sauce)
  • Burfi

Suggested use

Temperature: Use for cold or medium-high heat cooking. The smoke point is 160°C. It is suitable for drizzling, sauteing, and baking.
Shelf life: Best used within 6 months. Unopened, it will store well for 24 months.
If you will only use your walnut oil occasionally, you might refrigerate it to prevent breakdown. When ready to use, leave out to return to a liquid state and use.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.

The science behind walnut oil’s health benefits

1. Claudia Sanchez-Gonzalez, Carlos J Ciudad, Veronique Noe, Maria Izquierdo-Pulido, Health Benefits of Walnut Polyphenols: An Exploration Beyond Their Lipid Profile, Critical Reviews of Food Science and Nutrition. 

2. John P Vandel Heuvel et al, Mechanistic Examination of Walnuts in Prevention of Breast Cancer, Nutrition and Cancer. 2012, April. 

3. Saime Batirel et al, Antitumor and antimetastatic Effects of Walnut Oil in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Cells, Clinical Nutrition. 2018, Dec. 

4. Hyunsook Kim, Wallace Yokoyama, and Paul Andrew Davis, TRAMP Prostate Tumor Growth is Slowed by Walnut Diets through Altered IGF-1 Levels, Energy Pathways, and Cholesterol Metabolism, Journal of Medicinal Food. 2014, Dec. 

5. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution, The Nutrition Source. 

6. M J Zibaeenezhad, P Farhadi, A Attar, A Mosleh, F Amiromoezi, and A Azimi, Effects of Walnut Oil on Lipid Profiles in Hyperlipidemic Type 2 Diabetic Patients: a Randomized, double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Nutrition and Diabetes. 2017, April. 

7. Parivash Rahimi, Najmeh Kabiri, Sedigheh Asgary and Mahbubeh Setorki, Anti-diabetic effects of walnut oil on alloxan-induced diabetic rats, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2011, Dec.

8. Written by Honor Whiteman Omega-6 Could Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk by 35 Percent, Medical News Today. 2017. 

9. Mohammadjavad Zibaeenezhad, Kamran Aghasadeghi, Hossein Hakimi, Hassan Yarmohammadi, and Farzad Nikaein,The Effect of Walnut Oil Consumption on Blood Sugar in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, International Jouranl of Endrocrinology Metabolism. 2016, Jul.

10. Written by Mary Shomon, medically reviewed by Ana Maria Kausel, MD, What to Know About Selenium and Your Thyroid, Very Well Health. 2020, Feb. 

11. Josef Kohrle, Selenium and the Thyroid, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity. 2015, Oct. 

12. The Study of the Biological and Nutritional Potential of Walnut Oil , Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Moldova. 2013.

13. Monika Michalak and Anna Kieltyka-Dadasiewicz, Nut Oils and their Dietetic and Cosmetic Significance: a Review. Journal of Oleo Science. 2019. 

Kashmiri Walnut Oil